Acts of Kindness and Support to the NHS and Key Workers
19/05/2020 Churchview, Seagoe LOL 26
Well done to Seagoe LOL 26 who visited the elderly and vulnerable members of their Lodge last night with a food hamper.
Seagoe LOL 26 also gave a donation to the Ambulance Station and Rosemount Care Home.
11/05/2020 Herbert Whitten Memorial LOL 40
A delighted Bro.Alan Locke receiving a food parcel from LOL 40 And RBP 25 .
08/05/2020 Herbert Whitten Memorial LOL 40
Today was week number 6 with our donation in partnership with Portadown RBP district number 5. Our donation is centred on the main catering marquee and really appreciated by the catering management and staff, here we have Bro. Billy Gillis collecting the supplies from the girls in Patterson’s centra who have been going out of their way to accommodate us , also big thanks to the loughall road spar !
Quote for today “No one has ever become poor by giving.”
06/05/2020 Daughters of Laura JWLOL 42
Some happy girls getting their easter eggs and a wee lock down goody bag from their lodge.
Stay home and keep safe
06/05/2020 Portadown District LOL No.1 & Portadown Ladies District WLOL No.3
Today Portadown District LOL 1 made a donation of food supplies to the staff of the ICU ward in Craigavon Area Hospital. This is the third time in five weeks we have been able to help the staff in the ICU ward, who have been extremely grateful for all the donations. The District Officers would like to thank Portadown Junior District and Portadown Ladies District as well as the private Lodges in the District for all their financial support.

01/05/2020 Herbert Whitten Memorial LOL 40
Today LoL 40 and RBP Portadown District no.5 had another handover to our essential staff at Craigavon area hospital, as specified today we handed over goodies and treats, crisps etc. Catering management were delighted as they are struggling to hold out to these products, thanks to Bro. Wesley Hayes for assisting !
29/04/2020 Portadown District LOL No.1
Today the Worshipful District Master Of Portadown District LOL No.1 Worshipful Brother Darryl Hewitt (pictured middle) made a donation of food supplies to Ambulance service at Craigavon Hospital. The donation was grateful appreciated by those present. The District would again like to thank Birches Apprentice Boys and Portadown Heritage Tours for their kind donations towards this.
29/04/2020 Portadown District LOL No.1
This morning the Worshipful District Master Worshipful Brother Darryl Hewitt (pictured right) and Deputy District Master Worshipful Brother Nigel Dawson (pictured left) handed over the District allocation of PPE that was bought by Grand Lodge of Ireland to GP’s at Portadown Health Centre. It was gratefully received by the GP’s who said it would be a great help to them. We would like to thank the Grand Lodge of Ireland for buying the PPE so we could distribute it out.
25/04/2020 King Williams Defenders LOL 127 (Parkmount)
The Officers on behalf of King Williams Defenders LOL 127 (Parkmount) were delighted to provide the hard working management and staff of Rosemount Care Home Portadown with much needed supplies as they care for residents in these difficult and challenging times.Stay Safe and Thank You.
Congratulations to King William Defenders LOL 127 on such a generous donation.
24/04/2020 Herbert Whitten Memorial LOL 40
Week 4 of our donation of food supplies for our frontline workers at Craigavon Area Hospital. Another great weeks work from LOL 40 and our partners in this superb enterprise, Portadown RBP chapter 5 and all the individual preceptories that have donated and made a massive difference. After chatting with the catering management they are so appreciative and have again tailored next weeks order for their demands.
Doing the handover today was Bro. Billy Gillis and Bro.Wes Hayes.

22/04/2020 Portadown District LOL No.1 & Portadown Ladies District WLOL No.3
Today Portadown District LOL No1 made a donation of food supplies again to the ICU ward at Craigavon Area Hospital. The donation was grateful appreciated by those pictured. We would like to place on record our thanks to all those on the frontline facing this crisis. We would like to thank Birches Apprentice Boys and Portadown Heritage Tours for their kind donations.

21/04/2020 Portadown Royal Arch Purple District Chapter No.1
Today handed over another large donation of ready meals and supplies for our NHS staff at Craigavon area hospital, we have been in regular contact with the catering management to tailor our supplies to the specific needs required, we were told that they can’t hold out to demand so it’s vital we keep donating, special thanks to Portadown Royal Black for all the donations also, we couldn’t do it without your assistance! Handover today was done by Bro.Wesley Hayes and DM Gregory Burke.
17/04/2020 Herbert Whitten Memorial LOL 40
District Worshipal Master, Register and Treasurer of Portadown Royal Arch Purple Chapter No 1. Visited the five nursing homes in the town to deliver goods. After speaking to some of the homes they requested drinks (supported by JP Takeaway), Bottled water (supported by Eurospar bridge street), Moisturing cream (supported by Partridges Chemist) and baskets of fruit (supported by Home grown fruit and vegetable). It is sad to hear that some of the homes already have some residents with Covid-19. We were also given some face masks which are being manufactured by a group of ladies in Craigavon NHS FACESHIELDS Lurgan. All five homes were thankful for the donations.
Thanks to all our local careers for their continued support to our local elderly individuals.
10/04/2020 Portadown District LOL No.1 & Portadown Ladies District WLOL No.3
Portadown Ladies and Men’s District made a donation of food supplies to Ambulance service - only a selection of the items pictured!!, the donation was grateful received by those present. The District would again like to thank Lodges that have contributed to the fund that will be used to help other frontline Services.
We would also congratulate lodges in the District who have already made donations to Frontline services
09/04/2020 The Rising Sons of Portadown LOL 273
Bros William and Alistair Power on behalf of LOL 273 delivered some food supplies to elderly brethren within the district, all parcels where very grateful accepted and we are glad to see that our senior members are safe and well.
08/04/2020 Herbert Whitten Memorial LOL 40
LOL 40 handed over another consignment of goods for the NHS as specified by the catering manager, the handover was carried out by a proud Bro. John Bell and his two daughters, Shannon and Bethany, as their mum Carole is a nurse working night shift at Craigavon Area Hospital.
A really big thanks to the members of LOL 40 for the ongoing support and a massive thank you to the officers of Portadown Royal Black for the amazing donation that will ensure over the next few weeks we can deliver to support our frontline staff.
03/04/2020 Portadown District LOL No.1 & Portadown Ladies District WLOL No.3
Portadown Ladies and Men’s District made a donation of food supplies and refreshments to the ICU ward at Craigavon Area Hospital in recognition of their sterling work and dedication in fighting Coronavirus Covid-19, the donation was grateful received by the 3 nurses present.
The District would like to thank all the Lodges who contributed to the fund and committed to helping other frontline services in the days and weeks ahead.