Blacker and Wilsons prepare

During the preliminary skirmishing on the previous days, the respective parties had been preparing for combat, excited by all kinds of rumour. Fortunately for the Protestants of ONeilland East, the old family mansion of Carrickblacker was undergoing the process of getting a new roof. It had in the olden times been covered by oak shingles, but was now going to be slated, and the lead required for the gutters and spouting was lying profusely about. The head of the family was not only a large landed proprietor in several counties, but a dignitary of the Church, the Very Rev. Stewart Blacker, Dean of Leighlin. The Protestants in this part of the country determined to assist their brethren on the other side of the Bann, began their preparations at the arrival of the first reports, and the lead provided for the roofing of Carrickblacker was run into bullets. The news of the Treachery of the Defenders in renewing the attack in defiance of the treaty of peace went through the country early on the morning of the 21", and in Tyrone and Armagh the Loyalists began to arm and prepare to march to the aid of their brethren, and William Blacker, then a stripling (afterwards Colonel Blacker, Grand Master of the Orange Institution, and the Wilsons of the Dyan, at once prepared to take part. Young Blacker, having his henchman the apprentice of a carpenter then busy at the roof immediately marched for the battlefield, accompanied by a resolute body of yeomanry and others, which kept increasing as it hastily marched along, all armed and accoutred as best they could on the spur of the moment. In pressing forward he picked up several other detachments, including the Dyan men.

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